Individual Treatment

Seeking individual treatment is a sign of good coping and taking the initiative to try and feel better. Unfortunately, many problems do not just go away. Looking at what role we may play in these problems, what we may allow, and/or how much importance they have can be helpful. When we are busy and productive, do these problems matter as much? When we feel a sense of purposefulness and/or identify and maximize our strengths, do we feel better? If we are faced with illness or challenges, having our feelings validated can be as important as maintaining independence to the degree possible within our limitations. Reordering our lives can often be necessary and a difficult task to accomplish. Having good insight into ourselves and why we may feel or behave a certain way is a good beginning. Finding time for counseling requires taking care of oneself, especially if feeling isolated, uneasy, anxious, depressed and/or with worries and concerns.

Staying Home to Stay Safe – Using the Good, Old-Fashioned Phone Call

As “non-essential” workers conducting business from home, we are likely experiencing increased isolation. Yet we also …

Solutions to isolation

Whether you are physically challenged and/or an older adult who now finds loneliness, boredom, and/or isolation to be presenting …

Care planning options

If a person has long term care insurance, it can become activated when personal care assistance is needed, usually in the …